Qualify for VA “Aid and Attendance”

Alabama veterans who received an honorable discharge and who served during a time of war (WW II, Korean War, Vietnam or Gulf War) and who are disabled or 65 may be entitled to receive up to over $2000 a month in tax free benefits. This can be used to pay for home health or the cost of an assisted living facility and can slow down or stop the path to having to enter a nursing home.

Read our articles and watch our videos to find out more about this wonderful benefit that unfortunately only about 10% of eligible veterans receive.

You may want to start with our article “FAQ on Aid and Attendance for Alabama Veterans”.

FAQ on VA Pension (Aid and Attendance) for Alabama Veterans

FAQ on VA Pension (Aid & Attendance) for Alabama Veterans

The VA Aid &FAQ on VA Pension (Aid and Attendance) for Alabama Veterans Attendance (Special Pension) is a remarkable benefit for Alabama veterans and widows of veterans.

There is not much known about this benefit by many veterans.

Unfortunately, there are quite a few scams out there and then simply inaccurate information is constantly being repeated.

So we have made this FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) to answer as many of the questions that may be on your mind … (Read more)

Concerned About How To Pay For Long Term Care in 2019? Start Here.

Are You Struggling To Figure Out How To Pay For Long Term Care For A Loved One In A Nursing Home?

long term careWe often think that Alabama Medicaid is the only way to pay for nursing home for our spouse or parent.

However, Medicaid is simply one solution among a number of solutions.

To properly determine how to pay for nursing home care, we have to look at the risk and then all of the options before we can adopt a … (Read more)

VA Pension — “What if the veteran never applied and was healthy (and then died) – can his widow now apply?”

We have widows that may be 85 years old and their husband died when he was 40 and they’ve never remarried. He was in great health. It was a tragic accident or whatever it may be.

A lot of people think, “My husband did not apply before he died. I cannot apply for VA Pension benefits.”

That’s not true. A surviving spouse can apply whether or not their veteran spouse ever applied or ever received benefits.

When we’re looking at … (Read more)

“Do I need to hire a lawyer to get the VA Pension benefits?”

“Do I need to hire a lawyer to get the VA Pension benefits?”

"Do I need to hire a lawyer to get the VA Pension benefits?"Let’s break this down into a few different questions first.

Do you need to consult a lawyer?

This is a question that’s very legitimate, it also can be asked in almost any type of legal setting.

You may be dealing with problem on your credit report.

Do you need a lawyer to help?

You may say, “I need to get a will,” or “I want to incorporate … (Read more)

VA Pension — “What if I have too much income or too many assets?”

VA Pension — “What if I have too much income or too many assets?”

VA Pension -- "What if I have too much income or too many assets?"Do you have too many assets? Do you have too much income?

Let me give you a little preview.

For the income, every dollar of IVAP (Income for VA Purposes), there is a reduction in the VA Pension of a dollar.

The goal is if we can do this legitimately and within the rules, we want to get that IVAP down to zero.

We want … (Read more)

VA Pension or Aid & Attendance — What is it?

VA Pension or Aid & Attendance — What is it?

VA Pension or Aid & Attendance -- What is it?You may have heard of this benefit somewhere, and you may be wondering what exactly this is.  It can pay over $25,000 a year to help with long-term care.  In your home, in an assisted living facility, or even in a nursing home.

What or who is this benefit for?

It’s a “non-service” related.

What that means is this is not for an injury that was suffered while … (Read more)

“Why do people not plan for the future of needing long term care?”

“Why do people not plan for the future of needing long term care?”

"Why do people not plan for the future of needing long term care?"Why do people not plan for the future?

There’s pretty a good chance we’re going to need long term care if we live long enough, and it’s very expensive so why don’t we plan for it?

I think there are a few reasons.

One, we don’t really like to think about long term care.

People are not just jumping up and down with joy when they think, … (Read more)