Are You Struggling To Figure Out How To Pay For Long Term Care For A Loved One In A Nursing Home?
We often think that Alabama Medicaid is the only way to pay for nursing home for our spouse or parent.
However, Medicaid is simply one solution among a number of solutions.
To properly determine how to pay for nursing home care, we have to look at the risk and then all of the options before we can adopt a … (Read more)
When you talk to a nursing home about getting long term care for your parent, they will ask about gifts your loved one made in the last five years.
This is not being nosey — instead, the nursing home wants to know if your parent will qualify for Alabama Medicaid. (The exception is if there is plenty of money to privately pay the $7,000 or $8,000 a month nursing home bill).
If there have been a number of gifts, you … (Read more)
You are reading this because you are right now — or will be shortly — struggling with how to best pay for long term care in a nursing home for a loved one. Do you spend all of their money on the nursing home? Do you give everything away? Is Alabama Medicaid even an option?
Join with me on this little journey through Alabama Medicaid.
Why I wrote this article and practice in this area of the law
My background … (Read more)
Continuing our series on Alabama Medicaid in 2017 for long term care in the nursing home, let’s look at the maximum assets the community spouse can keep.
Let’s remember a few things before we get started.
Medicaid calls your assets “resources”.
The spouse in the nursing home is called the “institutional spouse” while the spouse living at home is called the “community spouse”.
OK let’s take a look at this idea of the maximum the community spouse can keep … (Read more)
Continuing our series on Alabama Medicaid in 2017 to pay for a nursing home, we previously talked about the $2,000 that the spouse (or single person) going into the nursing home could keep. Now let’s turn our attention to the spouse who is living at home — how much in the way of assets can they keep? This is known as the “Minimum Community Spouse Resource Allowance”.
First let’s break this phrase down to understand it.
Minimum… (Read more)
We have talked about income for Medicaid now let’s turn our attention to the “resources” or assets that the person applying for Medicaid can have and still qualify for Alabama Medicaid. This number is also called the “individual resource allowance“. A fancy name of saying how much assets can the individual going into the nursing home keep and still qualify for Alabama Medicaid.
“What is the asset limit in 2017 for Alabama Medicaid?”
“Is this for both
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