How Does Alabama Medicaid Know If My Parent Made Any Gifts During The Last 60 Months?

How Does Alabama Medicaid Know If My Parent Made Any Gifts During The Last 60 Months?

How Does Alabama Medicaid Know If My Parent Made Any Gifts During The Last 60 Months?I have met with families who are seeking answers to “How do I pay for my parent’s nursing home bill?” and we will at some point address Alabama Medicaid.

This leads to the rules of Alabama Medicaid, including telling Medicaid about all transfers or gifts of property and money and assets in the last 60 months.

Occasionally I’ll be asked:

How does Alabama Medicaid know if my parents made any gifts during the last 60 months?


Medicaid won’t be able to figure out if this was a gift or not — it doesn’t look like one so what Medicaid doesn’t know won’t hurt us.

Here’s my response.

  • Alabama Medicaid knows because you have to tell Medicaid on the application about any gifts/transfers in the last 60 months.
  • You have to normally provide copies of financial accounts showing the details for the last 60 months.
  • Above all of this, you have to be truthful with Alabama Medicaid.


  • Well, it is the right thing to do;
  • Lying tends to jeopardize your eternal soul; and
  • You can go to prison for Medicaid fraud if you try and get cute and lie….

Those three things — or any one of them if you don’t like all of them — seem to me to be good enough to cause us to be open and honest with Alabama Medicaid.

So as strong as I can say it — Tell Medicaid the truth.

There is nothing wrong with transfers or gifts — but we do have to account for the consequences.

There are options on how to minimize the penalty but first you have to be honest with yourself, then with your Alabama Elder Lawyer, and then with Medicaid.

Contact Us. 

Find out more about Medicaid by reading some of the articles listed below.

If we can help you in any way,give us a call at 1-205-879-2447.

You can also fill out our online contact form on this website so we can get back with you as soon as possible.

For further research:

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