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FAQ on VA Pension (Aid and Attendance) for Alabama Veterans

FAQ on VA Pension (Aid & Attendance) for Alabama Veterans

The VA Aid &FAQ on VA Pension (Aid and Attendance) for Alabama Veterans Attendance (Special Pension) is a remarkable benefit for Alabama veterans and widows of veterans.

There is not much known about this benefit by many veterans.

Unfortunately, there are quite a few scams out there and then simply inaccurate information is constantly being repeated.

So we have made this FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) to answer as many of the questions that may be on your mind … (Read more)

Top Ten Mistakes Alabama Seniors Make With Estate Planning That Can Be Easily Avoided

Coming soon!… (Read more)

FAQ on Qualifying for Alabama Medicaid Without Going Broke

In this article we want to go through many of the “frequently asked questions” or FAQs on using Alabama Medicaid to pay for long term nursing home care without the family having to go broke in the process.  There is so much “mis” information out there and we wanted to give you good information as you begin your journey to understand your options.

What is Alabama Medicaid?

Alabama Medicaid is a government program that pays for long term care (nursing … (Read more)