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What is the monthly “income cap” and a “Miller Trust” in 2017 for Alabama Medicaid for long term care in a nursing home?

Continuing our series on Alabama Medicaid, let’s talk about the income cap and also what a “Miller Trust” is as this relates to the income cap.

To qualify for Alabama Medicaid, we have to satisfy the “income cap”.  If we don’t, then we won’t qualify unless we can fix the problem with a “Miller Trust”.

“What is the monthly income cap for Alabama Medicaid in 2017?”

$2,205 is the monthly income cap for 2017.

Basically this means that the … (Read more)

What is the 2019 Alabama Medicaid look back period for long term care in a nursing home?

Continuing our series on Alabama Medicaid in 2019, you are thinking about long term care and how that relates to giving away assets.  Because there is a concept under Alabama Medicaid about a “look back” period of 60 months.

Let’s do this:

  • Talk about the look back period;
  • Purpose of the look back period; and
  • How this relates to planning for long term care.

What is the look back period under Alabama Medicaid in 2019?

If you apply for, … (Read more)

What are the important “numbers” for Alabama Medicaid in 2019 for long term care in a nursing home

We are updating this popular article for 2019 so pardon any mess in our renovation.  🙂

If you are facing long term care (nursing home) in Alabama in 2019, then you almost certainly are looking at Medicaid which pays for nursing home care for most folks.  When we look at Alabama Medicaid, we have to know the numbers.

Whether we like it or not, Medicaid runs on numbers.

All sorts of numbers so let’s take a look at them along … (Read more)

“What is the benefit of Alabama Medicaid for someone in a nursing home long term?”

We often talk about how to qualify for Alabama Medicaid but how does it actually help someone who is facing long term care in a nursing home?

The simple answer is someone who qualifies for Alabama Medicaid will have their nursing home monthly bill paid by Medicaid.

Here’s how it works in a nutshell.

Bob goes into a nursing home and the monthly bill is $7,500.

Bob has Social Security of $1,500 a month and that’s it.

So how in (Read more)

Even if you have done no planning, you have an estate plan in Alabama

“Estate Planning” — we often think we don’t have enough to bother with.  Or it is not worth the time and cost to create a plan.  Or somehow if we don’t have an estate plan, nothing bad will happen.

But even if we have done nothing — we do have an estate plan.

Let’s talk about this for a moment.

“If you don’t have a lawyer, one will be provided for you.”

We know this expression from the police shows … (Read more)